Plan Your Visit


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | tuesday Small Groups

Come See Us!

Hope Church is a group of regular people who want to honor our Lord Jesus Christ and encourage each other to grow in our walk with Him.

What are your services like?

Whether it is through the music, prayer or preaching, God's word is at the center of all of our gatherings.  Each service includes a time of prayer, preaching and giving. The sermons are built on God’s Word, not the pastor's ideas, and aim at transforming our lives to be more like Jesus Christ.

Where should I park?

We have plenty of parking for you.

Where should I go when I enter the building?

We have greeters located at the doors who would be happy to help you find where you need to go.

Do you provide childcare?

During the Covid-19 crisis, we are welcoming all children and you to be with us in the main worship service.  We can provide social distancing while still providing worksheets and age appropriate items for them.  Everyone is welcome.

What should I wear?

It's Florida.  Come as you are.  No judgement. Just thankful you have decided to join us.